Support us
If you would like to support the work of Grace Trust please get in touch. There are all sorts of ways that you can help – from donations and legacy gifts, to helping out at events or becoming a volunteer.
Financial support
Financial support and donations enable us to provide our range of services. There are various ways of supporting us, from individual donations to corporate support. Please get in touch to discuss how you might help.
To give financially to Grace Trust please pay directly into our bank account.
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account name: Grace Trust Jersey
Sort code: 30-94-61
Account number: 01981473
Tax rebate
We are able to reclaim Jersey tax on any gift over £50, provided you are a Jersey tax payer.
Legacy gifts
Grace Trust asks you prayerfully to consider its work in your will, by leaving either a legacy of a specific amount, or perhaps a residual gift whereby you first take care of family, dependants and other important outgoings and then leave a share of whatever sum is left (called the “residue”) as a charitable bequest to further our work.
Text to go here about becoming a volunteer and how people can help – perhaps as a full time volunteer or just helping out at events. Text to go here about becoming a volunteer and how people can help – perhaps as a full time volunteer or just helping out at events. Text to go here about becoming a volunteer and how people can help – perhaps as a full time volunteer or just helping out at events.