Our Projects
We “come alongside” folk to sing, to paint, to draw, to cook meals for our foodbank, to bake, to learn how to drive, to learn about the workplace or to just going along for a laugh and a cup of tea! Whatever brings a little change in the routine of loneliness and boredom. Our volunteers within these projects excel here and are the life blood behind what we do.
Corporate Cook Days
This a monthly project that allows Corporates to sponsor the cooking of around 250 to 280 meals that we then freeze and use for the foodbank. This project has been running now for a good 5yrs and flourished under Trizia Clarke who oversaw the purchasing, cooking and liaising with companies wishing to be involved.
We have had support from many Corporates, IQEQ, Hawksford, UBS, Lloyds, Langham Hall, HSBC, Ocorian and TMF.
For more information on how you could be involved please contact Vini or Mark on email info@gracetrust.com.
This is one of our most successful projects where we simply get together with whoever wishes to join us and Sing! If everyone turns up we are usually about 25-30 strong.
We meet every Wednesday at All Saints Hall from 2-4pm to practice. We usually do around 15 – 20 gigs, concerts call them what you like! We travel here and there across the Island, from Care Homes and Churches to Government House, from the Island Games to the Boat Show or Fete de St Helier, Good Companions Club to a tiny little coffee afternoon in front of a few grateful folk who appreciate some company, oh the Rock ’n Roll life style!
Art in the park
We meet on Tuesdays at All Saints Hall from 2-4pm. This is a class for anyone who likes to do a little drawing, painting, craftwork the odd baking session! Or you take your Art seriously and really want to produce some great work which we see a lot of.
We usually enter some pieces for the Jersey Eisteddfod and we always do well! It’s a great part of what we do and gives us the chance to get out of town!
We usually do a couple of outings in the summer as well, we do some sketching at Archirondel or Corbiere then head for a cup of tea and some Cake!
“The Poppy Log” was a communal piece of art that just originated from an idea of using lead and barbed wire, and we entered it in the 2018 Jersey Eisteddfod Art and Craft. Click here to view the video on Facebook.

Right Road Project
This is an initiative set up by us to give direction to young folk struggling to get their life into gear. We offer assistance in all the procedure of obtaining a driving licence to help them find work. Call us on 631667 for more information.
Work placement scheme
This is a project that has been set up to help young folk in the 18-30 age bracket into the working environment. Through a kind benefactor the first three months of the placement’s wages are covered, with no cost to the employer and a minimum wage to the employee. This is a great way of gaining essential workplace experience. It also allows the employer to see if they would like to offer the placement a further time of employment.
Drop in
We hold a drop in on Mondays and Fridays at our Base at 3 Daisy Vilas in Lewis St from 12- 2pm. Simply tea, coffee, bickies and banter. This is great little project where folk can be themselves within a project that runs itself. The laughter we hear is great for us!